All types of guns in Minecraft

Minecraft is not just a game about building and surviving, but also a world where players can express their creativity with the help of various mechanisms. One of the most interesting features of the gameplay are guns.


The cannon is a device capable of launching entities at a distance using physical force. It should be noted that entities are all dynamic and moving objects in the Minecraft game world, including blocks and animated structures.

Cannon mechanisms are most often used as siege or defensive weapons, as they are completely immobile and have limited firing angles. They are usually used in multiplayer modes against other players, but are sometimes used for entertainment purposes.

Basic principles

A cannon consists of two key elements: a charge and a projectile. The charge is what pushes the projectile out. This is usually done by using several blocks of dynamite, which are activated simultaneously with redstone.

Some models of such constructions may use additional explosives, which are detonated to bring the charge closer to the projectile and increase the range of impact. The TNT block, by the way, can also be used as a projectile.

In this case, the TNT block must be activated after the charge, but before it explodes. Otherwise, the core and cannon may explode and destroy your fortifications.

It is important to ensure the safety of the activated charge to prevent destruction of the area, including the gun itself. Water is used for this purpose, as it is highly resistant to explosions. Explosives that are in water will not cause destruction.

Other possible materials for defense include obsidian or lava sources. Although these options are more difficult to handle, they can be used to build a defensible fort in the Nether.

Types of guns and instructions for their creation

There are many types of guns, each with its own characteristics. Some are designed to defend against attacks, while others are designed to destroy powerful structures or to eliminate groups of enemies.

There are also models that require manual ignition and loading, or can fire several times automatically. Below are different types of guns and examples of how to build them.

Classic TNT Gun in Minecraft

These weapons are one of the oldest and simplest types in Minecraft. They consist of a barrel of a certain size, filled with water and a platform.

In addition to several solid blocks, you will need water, redstone, a torch, and a lever. First, build the barrel, which is the main part of the weapon. The length of the structure does not necessarily have to be as in the screenshot below. It all depends on your desire and the amount of materials.

Classic TNT Gun in MinecraftClassic TNT Gun in Minecraft

After building the base, fill one side with water to prevent a possible explosion of the weapon. Then place a torch and two levers – to activate the charge and the projectile. Now lay redstone dust on the blocks and on the ground. Use the example below as a guide.Load the gun as shown in the screenshot. The charge is ignited by dust immediately after the first lever is turned on, and the projectile is activated a little later thanks to the second lever. To fire, press the first lever (on the left), then the second (on the right).

Auto-reloading gun. Pistons

In this variant, the charge and projectile are pushed by pistons from the container into the charger and projectile chamber, where they are loaded. To ensure ejection, appropriate blocks are installed: sand, gravel or cobblestone. This method is cumbersome, ineffective and unsafe.

First, create a structure as in the screenshot below. Step back one row, fill with water. Install the pistons and move on to the next step.Fill the base with dynamite and put the same amount of sand or gravel on the last row. Lay down the red dust and connect it to the pistons and the button. Press the button and launch the gun.

Auto-reloading cannon. Dispensers

The explosives are placed directly into one dispenser, and the one installed on top gives out the projectile. This method is quite compact and does not take much time. In addition, it is much safer, since the TNT in the dispensers does not explode when an enemy projectile hits the cannon.

First, create a base and fill it with water, then install another block and a dispenser. Fill the dispensers with TNT, conduct redstone and install the button. After that, you can start shooting.

Chaos Cannon

The Chaos Cannon is an unconventional type of artillery that uses a charge to simultaneously ignite and launch multiple projectiles. It is usually created purely from TNT blocks. The explosion from the Chaos Cannon is not contained by anything, which leads to the destruction of not only the cannon itself, but also the terrain. As you understand, this cannon is disposable.

Chaos CannonChaos Cannon


This type of weapon can fire multiple projectiles in different directions at a limited angle. One variant of the shotgun includes a wide-stretched charge with cartridges located next to it.

The first step is to create a frame and fill it with water. Then you need to install six repeaters and lay redstone. Then install the button on the side of the gun and start it.Shotgun in minecraftShotgun in minecraft

Each type of weapon, from classic TNT guns to shotguns, opens up new possibilities for players to fight, defend territories, or just have fun. Such weapons help not only in battle, but also to diversify the gameplay. Experiment!

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