Gladiolus Flower

Gladiolus is a popular flower all over the world. It is a perennial flowering tree, with sword-shaped leaves, funnel-shaped circles and spoon-shaped branches. The flowers bloom mainly in October-March. It can range from pink to red, from light purple to white, or from white to cream or orange to red. It is used to cure various ailments or diseases such as colds, diarrhea, fungal infections and meningitis and to relieve constipation.


It gives the highest results when grown on the soil of the loam, which has good fertility and good drainage. The soil with heavy adhesive and acid should be kept from cultivating and water should not stand on the ground. It requires a pH of about 3-5.


Bangladesh Agricultural Research Institute has developed varieties of Gadiolus flowers Bari Gladiolus-1, Bari Gladiolus-2 and Bari Gladiolus-1. These varieties are suitable for cultivation everywhere in our country.

Preparation of land

For transplantation of gladiolus, it is necessary to cultivate the soil well before sowing. The soil must be finely broken and well flip over. Generally, Gladiolus cultivars require 3-5 kg ​​of roasted cow dung or organic manure, 5 grams of urea, 1 gram TSP and 1 gram MOP per square meter. During the last cultivation, TSP, MOP and cow dung should be mixed in the soil. Half of the urea fertilizer should be applied 24-20 days after planting and the remaining half after flowering.

Read more: Jawbone Flower Spider Pest Control


Sowing of tubers during sowing should be done between September and November.

Make the
row 1 cm apart from the row and keep the distance between the tubes 20 cm.

increase the sowing depth, sow the tubers at 7 cm depth.

The method of sowing

Sow directly by maintaining proper spacing on tubers or rows.


Seed rate
per acre Use Karam 6250067000. Before sowing the

seed treatment, the

tubers were subjected to 0.2% immersion in bovine solution for half an hour to protect them from soil disease.


Fertilizer Requirements (kg / acre)

Urea TSP Mop
২৫০    ২৫০    ৬৬

Nutrition (kg / acre)

Nitrogen Phosphorus Potash
১১৫      ৪০    ৪০

Mix cow dung manure in a quantity of 20 ton / acre in the field 25 days before sowing. Nitrogen @ 3kg (urea @ 25kg), phosphorus @ 3kg (single superphosphate @ 25kg) and potash @ 3kg (muret of potash @ 3kg) should be applied as basal dose when making land. The nitrogen dose is applied in 2 equal doses, the first half dose is applied at 2-3 leaves, and the second dose is applied at 3-5 leaves.

Gladiolus on the ground

Weed control

Weed control can be done mainly by hand to achieve good yield. Although it increases the cost of labor. Weed control is sufficient for proper control of weeds 3-4 times. For weed control, stump 1 EC (1 ml per acre) is applied.


Irrigation depends on the climate and soil. Sandy soils need irrigation for 3-5 days.

Deficiency and its remedy

Iron deficiency

Symptoms of thin yellow leaf iron deficiency in gladiolus r. Ferrous sulphate @ 0.2% should be sprayed when grazing leaves 5-7 leaves to cure this deficit.

  • Diseases of Gladiolus and their control

Karam Pacha:

Symptoms are premature  yellowing of the leaf , rupture of the stem and  drying of the  brownish brown color.


If insects are noticed, spray Zineb 75WP @ 1 gm or M-45 @ 1 gm in 5 liters of water per acre .  

Hard rotten

This is due to Septoria gladioli . Symptoms are brown or black.


Dip the thiophanate methyl solution at room temperature or iprodione at a suitable temperature to get rid of the rot .

The gut of roots is rotten nematodes

Symptoms are stagnant growth, thinning leaves and leaves turning yellow and swelling of roots.


Nematodes are sprayed on infected fields with oxamyl solution.

Mosaic virus

Symptoms include yellowing, stunt growth, multiple pigmentation and ring spots.


If insects are seen, Acephate @ 1 gram is sprayed in 5 liters of water per acre .


Aphids destroy the growing new part of the tree.


Flowers are sprayed with Rogor 1 EC or malathion 1 EC @ 1 ml / liter of water during flowering to get rid of aphids .


Thrips eat away the leaves and flower buds of the tree.


At the time of flowering to get rid of thrips insect, Rogor 1 EC or Malathion 1 EC @ 1 ml / liter of water is sprayed.


Harvesting is usually done after 3-5 months, ie 3 to 12 days after planting. The crop is harvested by holding at least 3-5 basal leaves of the plant for adequate development of corms and caramel. It is found to have an average yield of 8-12 spikes / acre and 1-3 karms / acre.

Cut the bulb

After 3-5 weeks of flowering, the carmes and caramel should be cut. Irrigation should be stopped in the field 2 to 3 weeks before harvest. After harvest, the worms are dried with air. Remove the leaf from it and clean the worms. Then the tubers were submerged in 0.2% Bavistin solution for half an hour After dipping, they are dried in shade for 2-5 weeks. After drying, they  are stored in plastic bags in cold storage at 4 ° C.

Processing after harvest

Freshly cut flowers are deposited in a card board box. Sell ​​these boxes as soon as possible to the nearest markets or flower vendors.



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